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Featured Poems

"Across the Bay" by Donald Davie (excerpted)


"A Winter Piece" by  William Cullen Bryant (excerpted)


"Autumn in California" by Kenneth Rexroth (excerpted)


"By the Stream" by Paul Lawrence Dunbar (excerpted)


"Early October Snow" by Robert Haight


"Grass" by Carl Sandburg


"He Brings Me Resurrection Ferns" by Laura Sobbott Ross (excerpted)


"How to See Deer" by Philip Booth (excerpted)


"Ich war bei den ältesten" by Ranier Maria Rilke

(Translated by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy; excerpted)


I Sing the Body Electric"  by Walt Whitman (excerpted, part 7)


"In Blackwater Woods" by Mary Oliver


"In Praise of Limestone" by W.H. Auden (excerpted)


"My Cathedral" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (excerpted)


"Oak Grove Cemetery" by Don Thompson


"Ode to the Redbud" by Ross Gay


"On the Beach" by Mary Oliver


"On the Seashore" by Rabindranath Tagore (excerpted)


"Redwood" by Ben Howard (excerpted)


"Road with Five Waterfalls" by Walter Pavlich


"Sabbath I (1986) by Wendell Berry (excerpted)


"Still Water" by Patricia Fargnoli   (excerpted)


"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost


"Tell Me" by Jean Toomer


"The Ballad of the Frozen Field" by Dabney Stuart


"The Cliff Temple" by H.D. (excerpted)


"The Dry Salvages" by T.S. Eliot (excerpted)


"The Fog" by Esther M. Clark


"The Foot of the Falls" by Rishi Doshi


"The Blue Heron" by Carolyn Kizer (excerpted)


"The River" by Ralph Waldo Emerson (excerpted)


"The Sacred Wood" by May Sarton (excerpted)


"This We Have Now" by Rumi

(Translated by Coleman Barks)


"Unlocking" by Alice B. Fogel


"What's Close Matters" by Inigo Urrutia Diez


"Winter Branches" by Margaret Widdemer


"Winter Trees" by William Carlos Williams


"You, Darkness" by Ranier Maria Rilke 

(Translated.  Translator Unknown)



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